Israel & Palestine

Depth Study G: Israelis and Palestinians since 1945

1 How was the Jewish state of Israel established?

Focus Points

• What was the significance for Palestine of the end of the Second World War?

• What were the causes of conflict between Jews and Arabs in Palestine?

• Why did the Arabs reject UNO plans to partition Palestine?

• Why was Israel able to win the war of 1948–49?

2 How was Israel able to survive despite the hostility of its Arab neighbours?

Focus Points

• Why was Israel able to win the wars of 1956, 1967 and 1973?

• How significant was superpower involvement in Arab–Israeli conflicts?

• How important was oil in changing the nature of the Arab–Israeli conflict?

• By the 1990s, how far had problems which existed between Israel and her neighbours been


3 What was the impact of the Palestinian refugee issue?

Focus Points

• Why were there so many Palestinian refugees?

• How effective was the PLO in promoting the Palestinian cause?

• Why did Arab states not always support the Palestinian cause?

• How did international perceptions of the Palestinian cause change over time?

4 Why has it proved impossible to resolve the Arab–Israeli issue?

Focus Points

• Why has the United Nations been unable to secure a lasting peace?

• How far have international diplomatic negotiations improved Israel’s relations with Arab states and

the Palestinians?

• How have divisions within Israel affected the peace process?

• How have rivalries among Palestinians affected progress towards a settlement?

Syllabus content

Cambridge IGCSE History 0470. Syllabus for examination in 2015. 31

Specified Content

• The Arab and Jewish peoples of Palestine:

– different cultures, races, languages

• The aftermath of the Second World War:

– Jewish immigration

– Jewish nationalism and the ending of the British mandate

– the declaration of the state of Israel and the war of 1948–49

• Israel and its Arab neighbours:

– the Suez War (1956)

– the Six-Day War (1967)

– the Yom Kippur War (1973) and Israeli incursions into Lebanon

– the oil weapon: changes in USA and Western thinking

• The Palestinians to c.1992:

– the refugee problem

– Palestinian nationalism and the formation of the PLO

– activities of the PLO, and international acceptance

– the role of Arafat

– relations between the PLO and Arab states

– relations with Israel and moves towards the creation of a Palestinian state

• Moves towards peace:

– United Nations: resolutions, aid and peace-keeping duties

– Camp David meetings; the Oslo Accords

– the establishment of the Palestinian Authority, 1996

• Divisions that restricted progress towards peace:

– political parties: Likud, Labour

– how elections in Israel affected the peace process

– religious issues

• Rivalries among Palestinians:

– the nature of the PLO at its founding

– Intifada, and the rise of Hamas

– Hezbollah and Gaza.


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