HELP PICIn examining The United Fronts you are likely to be asked about the reasons for the first United Front or the inevitability of its breakdown. The Second United Front is usually questioned in relation to the Nationalists actions during the Nanjing decade. The Second United Front in’37 can be seen as either a success of failure for the Nationalists depending on your point of view.

The following is a basic Paper 3 question from the China 1909 – 1949 section –

“Compare and Contrast the aims and policies of the Communists and Nationalists in China during the First United Front established in ‘24’’ May 2009

And a markscheme answer follows…..

Candidates will probably conclude that each party had its own agenda but a common immediate purpose; the defeat of the warlords and the establishment of a unified government for China. However, they differed as to the ultimate form of that government. Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai Shek) used the Communists’ support among the peasantry and workers to gain popular support for the military drive to the north. The Communists used the opportunities created by the northern advance to spread their ideology among the people. With the capture of Shanghai, Jiang Jieshi (Chiang hai shele) and the Nationalists gained access to the wealth and influence of the powerful commercial classes and turned on the Communists. The Communists, on the other hand, had also their agenda of social revolution in both town and country. The Nationalists struck first, but expect candidates to recognise that the programmes of the two parties were basically incompatible. Candidates may also note the role of Stalin and the Comintern in support of the United Front, even after the events in Shanghai in 1927, and the role of factional leaders in both parties.
N.B. [7 marks] maximum if only one party is discussed.
[0 to 7 marks] maximum for a narrative account only.
[8 to 10 marks] for a simple comparative account.
[11 to 13 marks] for simple comparative analysis of the policies and aims of the two parties over the period.
[14 to 16 marks] for detailed analysis of the ideologies and aims of the two parties and awareness of the changing relationship as the forces of the United Front advanced.
[17+ marks] for running comparative analysis of the aims, policies and actions of the two parties showing awareness of the complexity of the situation.

Don’t forget that the examiner uses two markschemes to mark your answers. S/he wants to see that you have knowledge of the topic and that you have developed higher level thinking skills. Another sample question and answer is available here – Paper 3, Past questions and markscheme answers on the THE UNITED FRONTS

This topic is relevant for both SL & HL students.
* A Paper 1 practise sheet in included in the study tasks section below which will aid both SL and HL.
* Looking at the Aims and Policies of both the GMD and the CCP and at the formation and break down of the United Fronts will help you get a background to the Civil War – a Paper 2 consideration.
* The United Fronts comprise an area for Paper 3 study for those students who wish to answer questions in the section titled ‘The Republic of China 1912 – 1949 and the Rise of Communism’.

1. To begin you should read some basic notes such as those provided by Josh Brooman. Pages 8 – 11 cover the formation and breakdown of the First United Front while pages 18 – 23 cover the formation and breakdown of the second. Quizzes to help test your knowledge of these areas are included here; Quiz on Brooman pgs 1-8Quiz on Brooman pg 8 2nd columnQuiz on Brooman pg 9Quiz on Brooman pg 10 & 11Quiz on Brooman pg 18 & 19Quiz on Brooman pg 20 & 21Quiz on Brooman pg 22 & 23

2. Next have a look at the main ideas of Sun Yat-sen, the first President and Founding Father of the Republic of China. Sun served as the first leader of the GMD so it’s important to understand his ideas and how they could compare with Communist ideas. This Paper 1 activity sheet should help you understand the basics; Source work on aims and why the alliance occured in the first place

3. All students should have a good understanding of the United Fronts. To gain this it may be a good idea to complete a poster plan using the following activity sheet; 5 The United Fronts

4. Finally, HL students should practise writing an indeptH assignment in full. “Compare and Contrast the aims and policies of the Communists and Nationalists in China during the First United Front established in ‘24’’ is an appropriate question to consider. It was set in May 2009.

The Shanghai Massacre of 1927



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